Study shows Vaping has lower cancer risk than smoking

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The study was carried out in Italy and according to the results of this work, the risk of cancer linked to the microparticles present in the vapor emitted by the electronic cigarette is lower than tobacco use.

Size, composition and number

Dr. Farsalinos comments: “The study set out to assess the exposure of electronic cigarette users and their entourage to particles emitted by vaping and to calculate the associated cancer risks. We measured the size and the distribution of the masses of the particles and unlike other works, underlines Dr. Farsalinos, it was considered the composition of the aerosol and the particles by relying on the scientific literature. Contrary to the frequent but erroneous argument insists the cardiologist, the number and size of the particles are not sufficient elements to assess the harmfulness. The analysis of their composition is therefore essential to assess the associated risks.”


In order to predict foreseeable agitation, the Greek researcher warns those he describes as "fanatic supporters" of particle theory before they grab the information and assert that the electronic cigarette is a hundred times more carcinogenic than fuels. Our study reveals that the vapor of the electronic cigarette exposed to microparticles of less than 10 µp (PM) more than 100 times compared to traditional cigarettes.

Careful calculations that consider the composition of the aerosol

However, explains the Greek specialist, the careful calculations made by Italian researchers concerning the composition of the aerosol of electronic cigarettes, demonstrate that its use leads to a major reduction in the excess risk of cancer (ELCR: Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk). "These risks are 57,000 times lower than those of smoking, he adds, and below the limits established by the WHO and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency. “ Dr. Farsalinos regrets in advance that the results of this particularly encouraging study are unlikely to be advertised in the media. "Despite the number of studies, smokers continue to think that e-cigarettes are as much or more harmful than traditional cigarettes."

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