Cannabis legalization in Germany.

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Germany could soon become the first cannabis consumer and exporter country in Europe within a few days.

Germany could soon become the first cannabis consumer and exporter country in Europe within a few days. Let me explain, Germany has already legalized cannabis for medical use, it can be purchased in pharmacies under prescription and is even free in some cases. But that's not all, just with medical legalization Germany consumes an average of 15 tons of cannabis per year and this could increase following recreational legalization. This idea has been on the table for several months, Snoop Dogg himself, thanks to his company Casa Verde, led a fundraiser of 15 million dollars for the company Cansativa based in Frankfurt so that it develops a platform of greater distribution and thus anticipate full legalization in Germany, Cansativa already being the company that supplies medical cannabis to all German pharmacies. We are waiting for only one thing, it's a date! Unfortunately it is still impossible to know when cannabis will be completely legalized in Germany but it is progressing!

The next time we talk about it maybe it will be done, in any case we are always very happy to see that cannabis is more and more put forward and that mentalities are starting to change about it.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments!

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