The Swiss Federal Court declared: "Cannabis flowers are, even when smoked, a product with special properties which are not substitutes...
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Senate Majority Leader Democrat Chuck Schumer recently said it was time for a federal legalization of cannabis in the United States. He...
POD is more and more present in our electronic cigarette stores and appeals to many consumers, thanks to its ease of use and miniature...
Recipe of the week! This week we stay in the fruity / fresh, however, this one is lighter and less cloying for some.
The market for CBD oils is booming, however you can find everything in terms of price and dosage. But what are the differences?
CBD e-liquid has been found in various e-cigarette shops for several years now, but can CBD help us stop nicotine? The answer is yes, he...
CBD is the second main molecule in cannabis, the first being THC. It is THC, which by intoxicating the brain provides psychotropic...
The CBD booster often has a CBD concentration of 1000mg, and it is simply used to boost your traditional e-liquids with CBD, just as you...
Are you looking for an extra fruity and fresh taste without feeling the cold when you shoot? Then this recipe is for you!
Electronic cigarettes are often seen as complicated devices to use, when we hear about Watt, mAh, ohms, resistance, ... It can quickly...
On the market we can find several compositions of e-liquids, but how do you know which one to choose? Well to start, you have to...
We know that you have to change the resistance when you vape, you have a burnt taste, this means that the cotton surrounding your...